सन्दिप लामिछाने आज बिहान १० बजे नेपाल आइपुग्ने
काठमाडौं, असोज २०। क्रिकेटर सन्दिप लामिछानेले आज बिहान १० बजे नेपाल आइपुग्ने कुरा बताएका छन् । उनले सामाजिक सञ्जाल मार्फत आफू आज बिहान १० बजे कतार एयरवेजबाट काठमाडौंको त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा अवतरण गर्ने कुरा बताएका हुन् । अघिल्लो पोस्टमा उनले आफू असोज २० गते नेपाल आउने कुरा जानकारी दिएका थिए ।
उनले आफू निर्दोष रहेको र अनुसन्धानका सबै चरणहरूमा पूर्ण रूपमा सहयोग गर्ने र आफूलाई निर्दोष साबित गर्न कानूनी लडाई लड्ने कुरा बताएका छन् । उनले आफ्नो सुरक्षा प्रत्याभूतिको प्रक्रियामा कानुनी अधिवक्ता सरोजकृष्ण घिमिरे (अधिवक्ता) को उपस्थितिको लागि प्राधिकरणलाई विनम्र अनुरोध पनि गरेको कुरा बताउँदै भनेका छन् -
"Your support, faith, trust and your critical remarks are what I have taken as my assets, motivation and strength. I know I am facing a difficult time of conspiracy and wrongful allegation and the ramification of its effect is something unimaginable. I am sure there must be some mechanism of compensating to the accused who proven to be innocent in our legal system. I will soon seek legal support against wrongful prosecution and allegation made against me and I am sure I will get the justice and will return to the cricket ground soon to make the name and fame of my beloved country and I pray for speedy trial.
As per my sincere commitment to submit myself at the authriity of Nepal, I am landing at 10:00 am from Qatar Airways in the Tribhuvan International Airport at Kathmandu. I have already informed to the Police Authority in written about my submission at will. I have also made humble request to the authority for the presence of my lawful attorney Saroj Krishna Ghimire ( Advocate) during the process of my submission to police authority to ensure my safety and security. I will fully cooperate in all stages of investigation and will fight legal battle to prove my innocence. Let the justice prevail."
As per my sincere commitment to submit myself at the authriity of Nepal, I am landing at 10:00 am from Qatar Airways in the Tribhuvan International Airport at Kathmandu. I have already informed to the Police Authority in written about my submission at will. I have also made humble request to the authority for the presence of my lawful attorney Saroj Krishna Ghimire ( Advocate) during the process of my submission to police authority to ensure my safety and security. I will fully cooperate in all stages of investigation and will fight legal battle to prove my innocence. Let the justice prevail."
प्रकाशित मिति: बिहीबार, असोज २०, २०७९ ०९:१६
प्रतिक्रिया दिनुहोस्
साताको लोकप्रीय